Friday, June 13, 2008


Good evening,

My name is David, a high school student from Mississauga, Ontario, sharing the same interest as Mike, in both public transit and rail transportation.

We have all had situations when we have been confronted by overzealous employees who seem to think they can simply talk about a "regulation" and 'enforce' said "regulation." I offer (and add to) you several short words of advice I received from my law teacher:
  1. Question authority and record badge numbers.
  2. Get it in writing. Don't take employees' words for it. Ask them to produce a legal document that states what they told you. If they can't produce a hard copy, then chances are they made up what they told you.
  3. Know your rights. Most of the time when enthusiasts are confronted, it is by operators or security guards, both of which have very little authority in any situation. Also, don't cite a legal document if you haven't studied its exact wording. Go nuts, however, when you can recite it in your sleep.

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